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Welcome in Paris ... and taxes ?



Paris has an extensive network of roads, public transport, and pedestrian routes.


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The city's subway system, the Métro, is the city's most widely used transport system.

The public transport network covers all parts of the capital and a monthly pass includes unlimited trips. There are 14 lines, numbered from 1 to 14 and more than 300 stations. Lines are identifi ed by number and colour. An additional express network, the RER commuter rail, has fi ve lines (A through E), and connects more distant BY PUBLIC TRANSPORT parts of the urban area. In addition, the Paris region is served by a light rail network with six lines, and another six are currently in development. These public transport options are usually quite efficient. Tickets may be purchased at each station, and the Navigo pass, a smart card, may also be used for payment. Automated ticket machines perate in multiple languages, including English, French and German.


Where to Live in the City?

The 20 districts are generally known by their numbers rather than by name—so you might say, for example, that you live in the 8th district, which would be written as 8ème (or simply 8e) in French.

Whether you're thinking about renting or purchasing a home, properties in Paris are priced by the square metre. (For the purpose of conversion, one square metre is about 10.76 square feet.) The market is driven by the size of the unit, rather than the number of bedrooms. While there are variations between districts, the ranges in the adjacent table provide an indication of the typical types of property available by size.

Smaller properties tend to be more expensive per square metre.



1 and 8th DISTRICTS :

The world-famous Champs-Élysées bisects this area from southeast to northwest. This area provides access to renowned international schools such as École Internationale Bilingue, also known as EIB Paris



The 7th is a largely administrative and residential district. This is where you will find the Eiff el Tower and the Champ de Mars gardens, Les Invalides, the French National Assembly, Hôtel Matignon (the offi cial residence of the French Prime Minister) and the Musée d'Orsay, and the famous department store Le Bon Marché. The area is rather chic and very expatfriendly.

It is also close to several international schools, including École Jeannine Manuel and The Lennen Bilingual School.



The 14th off ers a more residential and restful atmosphere, with calmer streets that are perfect for those looking to return to peace and quiet after a busy day of work. It has a number of parks and gardens to explore, such as Parc Montsouris. Collège Sévigné is located in this district and provides a bilingual education. This section of Paris is truly a melting pot, and despite its sleepy charm the 14th district also has a vibrant feel.



The 15th is the city's largest district, a residential and family-friendly area with renowned international schools including École Jeannine Manuel and EIB Paris. It is a comparatively quiet area of Paris and off ers views of the Eiff el Tower and the Seine. The Front de Seine area along the river features high-rise residential blocks.

Some of the most beautiful green spaces in Paris can be found here, such as Parc Georges-Brassens, which has a small stream where children can play, as well as a clock tower, winding paths and a large antique book market on weekends. Closer to the Seine, Parc André Citroen features a wide variety of plants, and a tethered hot air balloon off ering stunning views of the city.



This chic residential area in the west end of Paris off ers family-friendly living. The district boasts many 19th-century buildings, prestigious schools—including the International School of Paris, Eurécole and Kingsworth International School— museums and parks. A large number of foreign embassies are also situated here.

Next to the 16th district lies Paris's biggest and most famous park, Bois de Boulogne. This vast park has several lakes, walking paths, scenic Dutch windmills, a track for bicycle racing and one for horse racing, and a number of beautiful gardens. One garden especially favoured by children is the Jardin d'Acclimatation, featuring a zoological theme park, a merry-go-round and other attractions.



Situated on the Right Bank of the Seine, the 17th is divided into four districts which off er a range of living options, from upscale neighbourhoods with luxurious townhouses and Haussmann architecture, to more aff ordable areas appealing to young couples and families. There are no major tourist attractions here, so this district has a more relaxed feel, off ering the quintessential experience of Paris markets, cafes, small parks and squares.


Une question fiscale / about taxes ?


Renting Property ?

Rental rates are calculated per month, and are based on property size in square metres. Most apartments are rented unfurnished. Many rentals within the city do not provide parking, although parking spaces can be rented separately.

Home contents insurance will be required, to insure your personal belongings and to show that your civil liability as a tenant is covered. The building itself is insured by the landlord.



Obligations and Responsibilities

Landlords are required to provide what is known as “decent housing”, meaning that the building must in no way damage the health and safety of a tenant. This includes the overall condition of the building, drains and gutters in good working order, the presence of natural light, electricity and mains water supply, bathroom facilities and a minimum size.


The “dépôt de garantie”, a deposit, is also due at this stage. The amount is related to the cost of rent and is usually equal to one or two months' rent.


You must provide an insurance certifi cate to show that your civil liability as a tenant is covered. Any French insurer will provide this. It is most commonly part of your home contents insurance that also has general cover for civil liability. These insurances are known as “assurance multirisque vie privée”, or personal liability insurance.

Proof of Employment

This usually requires copies of the tenant's last three “fi ches de paie”, or pay slips. You will need to prove that your monthly income is at least three times the monthly rent, and also provide a copy of your employment contract to show that you are not employed in a temporary position or still on a trial basis, known as the “période d'essai”.

Caution Solidaire

A personal guarantee from a third party (usually a European Union resident), also known as the “garant”, or guarantor. Just like the tenant, the guarantor must be able to prove monthly earnings of at least three times the monthly rent, and is legally obliged to pay any rent the tenant fails to pay. A relative, friend or work colleague can serve as the guarantor.

And ...

Before you can sign the rental lease and get the keys to your property, the following payments must have been received by the landlord and/or estate agency:

•  First month's rent.

•  Deposit (usually one or two months' rent).

•  Estate agency fee.

Finally, you may be asked to provide a bank guarantee document stating that the account has been opened and the required amount deposited, although this is rarely required.

After moving out of an apartment, the owner is obliged to refund the security deposit—minus any necessary deductions, cleaning and/or repairs—within two months (French law allows a period of two month's maximum to return the deposit), along with any justifications.


Une question fiscale / about taxes ?


And the question of Education …

The majority of schools in France are public or state-funded schools, with no tuition fees. All public schools are coeducational and do not require uniforms.

The French Ministry of Education is responsible for the country's education system and sets the national standard. The child's year of birth generally determines the year when he or she will start school. All the pupils of the same calendar year are put in a particular year group, with the exception of some special cases, or if the child must repeat a year. Schooling is compulsory and free for children between the ages of six and sixteen and most children start at the age of three. The French national education system guarantees newly arrived students who do not speak French access to education and is committed to giving required assistance to students who need help learning French as a second language.

Enrolling in School: Catchment Areas Preschools and elementary schools are tied to catchment areas. Depending on where you live, the communal administration will assign your child to a certain school. Should you want to send your child to a public school outside your catchment area, you must seek authorisation from the mayor's office.



In order to register your child into a primary or secondary French public school, you will have to go to your local city hall, or “mairie”. The city hall will then inform you on the name and location of your child's school.

Registration at the “lycée” level depends on catchment and school reports. To enrol, you will need to provide proof of identity and residence, and an up-to-date French vaccination certifi cate. The registration process for private schools is established by each private institution and may be obtained directly from the school.

French public schools are free and open to every child legally residing in France. Unlike some other European countries, the French preschool, or “école maternelle”, is an integral (though optional) part of the school system, catering for children between the ages of three and six years. This level in French education is equivalent to the nursery and preschool years in the English education system.



British School of Paris

3-18 English GCSE/A-Level 38 quai de l'Écluse, 78290 Croissy-sur-Seine


International School of Paris

3-18 English

GCSE/A-Level/ International Baccalaureate

6 rue Beethoven, 75016 Paris


American School of Paris

3-18 English

International Baccalaureate Diploma or Advanced Placement Diploma at ASP

41 rue Pasteur, B.P. 82,

92216 Saint-Cloud


Marymount International School

2-14 English GCSE/A-Level French baccalauréat

72 boulevard de la Saussaye,

92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine


École Internationale

Bilingue (EIB) 3-18

English/ French French baccalauréat

23 rue de Cronstadt, 75015 Paris


École Jeannine Manuel

3-18 English/French French baccalauréat

141 avenue de Suff ren, 75007 Paris;

5 rue Edgar-Faure, 75015 Paris;

70 rue du Théâtre, 75015 Paris


Bilingual Montessori School of Paris

2-9 English/French French baccalauréat

65 quai d'Orsay, 75007 Paris;

23 avenue George-V, 75008 Paris;

53 rue Erlanger, 75016 Paris


Lennen School

3-12 English/French French baccalauréat

Preschool: 65 quai d'Orsay, 75007 Paris;

Toddlers: 145 rue Saint-Dominique, 75007 Paris;

Primary: 176 rue de Grenelle, 75007 Paris


Collège Sévigné

6-18 English/French French baccalauréat

Primary :95 boulevard Arago, 75014 Paris;

Secondary: 28 rue Pierre-Nicole 75005 Paris



6-18 English/French French baccalauréat

5 rue de Lübeck, 75116 Paris


Une question fiscale / about taxes ?



And for the Healthcare ?

France has an excellent healthcare system with premium multilingual medical facilities. It is ranked number one among OECD countries for access to healthcare.

Most healthcare and emergency medical services in Paris and its suburbs are provided by the Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP), a public hospital system that's the largest in Europe. It provides healthcare, teaching, research, education and emergency medical services. Private hospitals called “cliniques” provide specialist treatments, including rehabilitation facilities and surgery for sport injuries.

Medical Bills

It is usual in France for doctors to issue patients with a bill for the treatment received. Most doctors sign up to the French social security system standard fees, which regulates costs for certain types of treatment.

Carte Vitale and Carte Mutuelle

You will need two cards for reimbursement of your medical expenses: the “Carte Vitale”, which is linked to the social security system, and the “Carte Mutuelle”.


What about French Taxes ?

Tax residence is not a matter of choice; it depends on legal or reciprocal agreements and treaties.

Income Tax

Your taxable income is the total of the income categories below after deductions for expenses or losses :

•  Employment income (10% deduction for expenses, capped)

•  Business income (real expenses deduction)

•  Professional income (real expenses deduction)

•  Property income (taxes, repairs, expenses and mortgage interest deduction)

•  Agricultural income

More on taxes in French


Une question fiscale / about taxes?


Impatriate Regime ?

The French impatriate tax regime was introduced to make France a more attractive country to relocate to for work.

Under this regime there are favourable tax treatments you can receive, should you qualify. In order to qualify:

•  You must not have been a tax resident in France during the five years prior to the date you started your new post in France

•  You must be a resident in France for tax purposes and if applicable

•  Should your family initially remain in your home location and follow you to Paris at a later date, they must relocate to France by 31 December of the year following the year of your arrival in France.


Une question fiscale / about taxes ?



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